Great Parcel in a Reliable Rainfall Area

'Clover Downs" offers a successful purchaser an opportunity to pick a great parcel in a reliable rain fall area.  Fenced into 3 paddocks the property features sandy loam soils with quality open grazing ranging to areas of red gum at the rear of the property.

There is a small crutching shed in the middle of the property with a good set of timber handling sheep yards, near this is the single windmill that waters the property.  There have been drains done through out the property to shift water into the small swamp at the front of the property. Quality grazing in the open paddocks and the property is well fenced it also has double road frontage to Limberts Lane and the Moyhall Road.

Overall a great parcel to add to any property.

Auction on the 5th of November 2020 at 2pm at the Naracoorte Town Hall.

305.00 ac
Address Lot 35 Limberts Road, Bool Lagoon
Price SOLD
Property Type Rural
Property ID 712
Land Area 305.00 ac

Agent Details

Mark De Garis photo

Mark De Garis

0428 372 124
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